
Lectio Divina – The True “Stairway to Heaven”

LECTIO Divina, or “Divine Reading” in Latin, combines the two most vital Christian spiritual exercises: prayer, and reading of Scripture. Lectio Divina is one of the most efficient methods to help a Christian advance in their personal spiritual development. It is so potent that it is also known as the “Stairway to Heaven.” The reason it is so powerful is that it is a structured method focused on improving a person’s relationship with God.

Lectio Divina has its roots in the 6th Century with St. Benedict of Nursia.  Benedictine monks continued to refine the method until they formalized it around the 12th century.  In modern times, the Second Vatican Council recommended the frequent use of Lectio Divina by the public.  Pope Benedict XVI also reinforced how vital its regular use is to help one’s spiritual life.

I have learned to apply the method and can attest to its efficacy.  I believe that it has been one of the best tools to help guide me along my Road.  Also, one of the things I like the most is that you can also do it along with other people. For example, you can discuss what God revealed to each of you, which you can leverage to pray with your spouse, family, groups, etc.

Because this is a comprehensive article on how to do the Lectio Divina method, I include below a Table of Contents to ease navigation.


The Lectio Divina Method

The Lectio Divina method usually has five steps, which I list below:

  1. Read or “Lectio” in Latin. Focused on understanding what the text says.
  2. Meditate or “Meditatio” in Latin. Focused on understanding what the text says to me.
  3. Pray or “Oratio” in Latin. Focused on what the text inspires me to say to God.
  4. Action or “Actio” in Latin. Focused on understanding what actions I need to take to carry out God’s will in my life based on the previous steps.
  5. Contemplation or “Contemplatio” in Latin. Proceeding to rest in God’s presence.

It is important to remember that the aim of the method is NOT to memorize the Bible or read a specific amount. Instead, it aims for us to grow closer to God through His Word and to allow Him to show you His will for you.

Additionally, we should set aside enough time to carry out the Lectio Divina method fully.  It is not a five-minute exercise. My personal experience has been that one usually needs between 20 to 30 minutes to carry it out thoroughly. With time you will discover that you will want to do it more often and will be able to do it daily.

Following, I will explain in detail the five steps of the Lectio Divina method:

Step 1a – Read (Lectio)

Choosing a text to read

In this first stage, we are trying to understand what the text says. Whatever section of Scripture you have chosen to read, we read it with our minds, slowly, gently, trying to get an understanding over the words.  It is often useful to use the daily readings from the Church’s liturgical calendar as a basis for selecting the text to read.

Regardless of the text that you have chosen to read, the goal is to read and re-read the piece of Scripture we chose carefully and slowly. Even if it sounds familiar, try to understand what it says.  If required, you can also use a dictionary and a Bible commentary to try to get a full understanding of the Word.

I remind you that we are not trying to reach a goal of reading a certain amount, such as a full chapter of the bible.  We are going to read whatever we can digest easily within the time we have available.

Step 1b – Read (Lectio)

What does the text say?

Once we have chosen a text and are ready to begin, I recommend you follow the following actions:

  1. Do a quick prayer to enter a relaxed and contemplative state.
  2. Make the sign of the cross over the texts of Scripture and kiss the cross you have just made.
  3. Pray to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you and guide you through the exercise.
  4. Begin to read the Scripture you have chosen for that day.
  5. Underline the word, phrase, or event that you consider the central message of the text.
  6. Mark with a question mark, ? ?, any word, phrase, or event that you did not understand.
  7. If required, you can use a dictionary and a Bible commentary to try to get a full understanding of the text or look up the areas where you have questions.

You will discover that as you read the Word, you will always find new things, new highlights, or different echoes.

Step 2 – Meditate (Meditatio)

What does the Word say to me?

Now we are going to meditate over what we have read.  By meditation, I clarify that we are going to reflect on the text.  While we reflect, we are going to try to answer the following question: “What is the text saying to me?”. We want to try to get the more profound, spiritual meanings of the words. To understand the truth that the Holy Spirit wishes us to know, which He gives us through the inspiration He gave to the original writer of the text.  In other words, we are trying to find what God is saying to us in this moment of our lives. To see how his Word sheds light on your doubts, questions, etc.  We are trying to discover God’s will for our lives through His written word.

For this step, while keeping the above in mind, I recommend you follow the following actions:

  1. Begin by rereading the text. Try to visualize what you are reading. Listening with attention and trying to find the aspect of the Scripture that is speaking to you. There will always be something that will focus your attention and resound with greater strength.
  2. Mark with an exclamation mark, ! !, the word, phrase, or event that is calling to you, and that you wish to keep on digesting.

Step 3 – Prayer (Oratio)

What does the text make us say to God?

Through the meditation step, you will get an idea of what God wants from you through His written Word.  Understanding His desires for you will allow you to begin a sincere conversation with God, who is listening to you. He knows what you need and your longings. The goal of the prayer step is to speak to God about His will for you by giving Him thanks. To ask for His forgiveness and help, as well as interceding for others, among other things.  The idea is that you talk with Him with trust. To completely abandon yourself into His hands and open your heart to His presence.

For this step, while keeping the above in mind, I recommend you follow the following actions:

  1. During some moments of silence, we re-read the text.
  2. Mark with an Asterix, * *, the word, phrase, or event on which you will focus your prayer.
  3. Begin your prayer with God. Talking with Him with Trust and opening your heart and mind to Him.

Step 4 – Action (Actio)

What actions does the text inspire me to take?

Whatever you have discovered by reading, meditating, and praying over the text, you will need to make it part of your daily life.  The goal with this step is to bring into action within your life God’s will for you. God’s guidance will always lead to our daily life.  There will typically be something we need to transform in our lives. There will be something we need to do for ourselves or others so that God’s will and His kingdom become more present within our world.

For this step, while keeping the above in mind, I recommend you follow the following actions:

  1. During some moments of silence, we re-read the text.
  2. Write down the actions you are committing to make based on your reading, reflection, and prayer on the text.

Step 5 – Contemplation (Contemplatio)

Resting in God’s presence

After completing the above steps, you will have a clearer understanding of what God’s will is for your life at this moment. You will also understand what actions you need to take to bring His will to pass.  Additionally, you will have come into His presence and allowed Him to enter your heart and mind while concentrating on His living written Word.

We can also ask God to give us the grace of being changed by what we have read. Of being able to become more fully what He wants us to be, as well as helping us to apply the moral meaning of the Scripture within our lives.

Now, you should thank Him for this grace and rest in peace in His presence. I also recommend you ask Him for the strength and guidance we need to carry out the actions you need to take to bring His will to pass in this world.


Because of the reasons mentioned above, the Lectio Divina method is exceptionally efficient in orienting one towards carrying out God’s will. Lectio Divina allows us to fill our hearts and minds with His word and presence, which is the essence of the Road to Righteousness and is why Lectio Divina is such an effective method of prayer.

I recommend you begin doing this exercise at least once per week. Then try to increase its use until you can do it daily.  As you apply the Lectio Divina method and carry out the actions it inspires for your life, you will begin to see a rapid transformation of yourself and your life for the better.

May God Bless you and fill you with His life and wisdom.


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